January 26, 2025
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, it states “If they were all one part, where would the body be? But as it is there are many parts, yet one body” (1 COR 12:18-20).
What does this teach us as Christian stewards? It shows us that we all have equal dignity and worth in God’s sight, and that if God sees us as equally precious, we should view each other in this same light. It teaches us to humbly recognize our own gifts as well as the giftedness of every member of our parish family. And, while God designed us to be ultimately dependent on Him, it seems He has also designed us to need each other!
This is part of the beauty and richness of a stewardship way of life. No one person can “do it all” in life — whether in family life or parish life. But God does not ask us to do it all. He simply asks us to share the gifts and talents we do have in the season of life we find ourselves right now.
It might feel uncomfortable at first. But the good news it you don’t have to do it all. Do your part, let your brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ do theirs, and know that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us all as we live out this stewardship way of life.
Copyright © Catholic Stewardship Consultants, All rights reserved.
1) Join the Annual WALK FOR LIFE West Coast tomorrow, January 25th. There will be a Mass at 9:30am at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in San Francisco. The Rally begins at 12:30pm at Civic Center Plaza. Please click here for details.
2) All are invited to come and experience the healing grace of God. Our clustered parishes will be offering a HEALING MASS on February 15th at 10:30am at St. Luke Church in observance of the World Day of the Sick and the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. There will be an anointing of the sick and blessing of caregivers and health professionals. Confessions will be available at 10:00am.
3) Mark your calendars! St. Luke's CRAB FEED - on Saturday, March 8th, 6pm (after the 5pm Mass), in
our Community Center.
Our very popular Crab Feed is here again, and it promises to be a wonderful parish community event with
great food, friends, music, and fun!
This is St. Luke’s only annual fundraiser so contributions and participation are greatly appreciated! The price per person is $85 and it will be an "all you can eat" affair, with fresh crab (or chicken, if you prefer and pre-order), plus pasta, salad, and dessert. Drinks will be extra. Tickets will be on sale in the Community Center after our weekend Masses beginning Saturday, January 25. Volunteer sign-up sheets are also available at the ticket table if you would like to help with ticket sales or volunteer on some of the behind-the-scenes activities to help make our event a true success.
Be sure to make your reservations early, for you don't want to miss out on the mouth-watering crabs, plus
the fun and entertainment!
4) Join St. Timothy's Intermediate Bible Study on Saturdays at 8:45am in the Rectory. This week and next week, we will be studying the Book of Jeremiah. All are welcome.
5) Our second collection next weekend is for our St. Luke Building Maintenance. Click here to give.
Sent by St. Luke Parish on Friday, January 24 at 3:59PM